How can evolution occur naturally?

How can nature encode the sequence of a storage medium with information?

Harold Wimberly
4 min readDec 20, 2020

First let me say, I approach this debate in a different way. I say there’s a natural interpretation of evolution and there’s an intelligent design interpretation of evolution. I think a natural interpretation of evolution is a fantasy. It’s designed to separate people from God and a natural interpretation of evolution is one of the biggest lies perpetrated on humans.

It’s impossible for a storage medium to encode it’s sequence with information. This is the domain of intelligence.

The sequence of objects or symbols don’t have any meaning unless intelligence gives it meaning. This symbol * and this symbol / isn’t encoded with any information. When intelligence says the sequence */ and /* has start and stop functions for what we will call C comments, then intelligence has encoded these symbols with information.

Again, / and * don’t encode their sequence with information that can be decoded any more than ACTG can in DNA.

The sequence has to be encoded with information by intelligence. How can anything evolve if the sequence isn’t first given meaning and encoded by intelligence?

My intelligence can encode the sequence of a piece of typing paper with information. I can say if the paper is cut into 2 parts, call me on my cell. I can then say if the paper is cut into 4 parts, call me at work.

I have encoded information in the sequence of typing paper. An intelligence can decode this information or I can build a machine that can decode the information in the sequence.

What a natural interpretation of evolution is saying is that the medium used by intelligence encoded itself with information and then built the machinery to decode the information.

So the typing paper(medium) or DNA(medium) encoded it’s own sequence with information. This is what materialist are saying! Of course there’s gaps or should I say gulfs because materialism isn’t even a logical or possible explanation.

The book Information Theory, Evolution and the Origin of Life is written by Hubert Yockey, the foremost living specialist in bioinformatics. The publisher is Cambridge University press. Yockey rigorously demonstrates that the coding process in DNA is identical to the coding process and mathematical definitions used in Electrical Engineering. This is not subjective, it is not debatable or even controversial. It is a brute fact:

“Information, transcription, translation, code, redundancy, synonymous, messenger, editing, and proofreading are all appropriate terms in biology. They take their meaning from information theory (Shannon, 1948) and are not synonyms, metaphors, or analogies.” (Hubert P. Yockey, Information Theory, Evolution, and the Origin of Life, Cambridge University Press, 2005)

A natural interpretation of evolution is like saying a snowflake encoded itself with information on how to build a snowman or an igloo. It doesn’t make any sense. Stephen Meyer, the Author of The Signature in the Cell said this:

“The information contained in an English sentence or computer software does not derive from the chemistry of the ink or the physics of magnetism, but from a source extrinsic to physics and chemistry altogether. Indeed, in both cases, the message transcends the properties of the medium. The information in DNA also transcends the properties of its material medium.”
Stephen C. Meyer

My Nephew was over so there’s crayons, a deck of cards and a paper plate on my table.

I can say:

If the deck of cards, crayons and plate are in a sequence from left to right, then meet me at Subway on 4th St.

I can also say, if the plate, deck of cards and crayons are on the table in a sequence from left to right, meet me Downtown at Chipolte on Market St.

My mind, my intelligence has encoded sequence with information. This information can be decoded by another intelligence or if I construct the machinery to decode the information.

The deck of cards, plate and crayons contain none of the information I want to encode. These things are just the medium. It’s the same with DNA. DNA is the medium encoded with information in the sequence of DNA letters ACTG.

This shows that a natural interpretation of evolution isn’t just filled with gaps but it’s not possible. You would have to give a medium the agency of mind and intelligence.

How did a series of random events encode sequence of a storage medium, DNA, with information and also build the machinery to decode that sequence?

We already can use the storage medium DNA with information like books, published papers and DVD’s. DNA is the most compact and powerful storage medium we know of. DNA could store all of the world’s data in one room.

Here’s one more example:

I have 2 packs of gum in front of me. One is big red and the other is spearmint.

I can encode information in the medium(2 packs of gum). I can say if the big red is opened and the spearmint isn’t then turn to ESPN on the TV. If the spearmint is open and the big red isn’t then turn to HBO.

My intelligence encoded the sequence of the medium(2 packs of gum) with information. This information can be decoded by another intelligent being or I can build a machine to decode it.

The medium doesn’t contain or create any of the information encoded in it’s sequence. That would be saying the packs of gum know about HBO and ESPN.

It’s impossible, let me repeat, impossible for a medium to encode it’s sequence with information. A natural interpretation of evolution is a materialist fantasy.

Works Cited

Meyer, Stephen, The Signature in the Cell.

DNA could store all of the world’s data in one room.

Is DNA a Code?

